Optical Imaging


Medmont Corneal Topographer

This corneal topographer is used to create a map of the front of the eye. This is useful in fitting contact lenses, evaluating a patient for refractive surgery and confirming the diagnosis of certain diseases that alter the shape of the cornea.




The Optos is used to take a photo of the back of the eye, the retina. Normal retinal cameras take a 45 degree image but the optos takes a 200 degree image! This allows for earlier detection of eye diseases. This screening is offered to all of our patients at their yearly eye exam.



Zeiss Cirrus 600 OCT

This instrument is both an OCT, used to measure the layers of the back of the eye, as well as a camera. This allows for 2 different tests at the same time. The OCT measures the thickness of the macula which is necessary in diseases such as macular degeneration. The OCT is also used in glaucoma to measure the optic nerve and any changes that occur to the nerve over time. This allows our doctors to best manage these diseases and many more.

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